


Esperanto Kungstensgatan 2 (1st Floor), Stockholm, 114 25 sweeden
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+46 8 696 23 23




Esperanto is a language that crosses frontiers, as does this restaurant's food. Passionately prepared, original Swedish and Asian dishes have a theatrical element, which is fitting seeing as it's located in a 1920s theatre. The modern room has a silver vaulted ceiling and all tables face the open kitchen.

Esperanto is a language that crosses frontiers, as does this restaurant's food. Passionately prepared, original Swedish and Asian dishes have a theatrical element, which is fitting seeing as it's located in a 1920s theatre. The modern room has a silver vaulted ceiling and all tables face the open kitchen.

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08 May 2024

Wine and food lovers, and travelers alike have illustrated genuine consumer goodwill by taking to the web to share their best and worst eating experiences. If you´re eager to share your hits and misses, here are some points to write a compelling restaurant review that cannot be ignored.

1) Offer Some Background
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5) Let Your Personality Shine Through.
