


Carnish Isle of Lewis Outer Hebrides Scotland HS2 9EX
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+44 (0) 1851 672429




Abhainn Dearg is the most Westerly of the Scottish distilleries and can be found in Uig, on the west coast of the Hebridean Isle of Lewis, the Outer Hebrides. Abhainn Dearg, (pronounced Aveen Jarraek) or Red River Distillery is a very new distillery in an ancient landscape.
The spirit we produce today might be new to the market, but the philosophy and history of our distilling goes back hundreds of years. At Abhainn Dearg that age old experience has been garnered for the knowledge of distilling fine whisky never left our shores, it’s just taken till now to re-claim our heritage and produce a true Outer Hebridean Whisky for the rest of the world to enjoy.

Abhainn Dearg is the most Westerly of the Scottish distilleries and can be found in Uig, on the west coast of the Hebridean Isle of Lewis, the Outer Hebrides. Abhainn Dearg, (pronounced Aveen Jarraek) or Red River Distillery is a very new distillery in an ancient landscape.
The spirit we produce today might be new to the market, but the philosophy and history of our distilling goes back hundreds of years. At Abhainn Dearg that age old experience has been garnered for the knowledge of distilling fine whisky never left our shores, it’s just taken till now to re-claim our heritage and produce a true Outer Hebridean Whisky for the rest of the world to enjoy.

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05 May 2024

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